when I started this blog five years ago, I was a pet sitter and the name animal-crackers made sense. now I'm a stay-at-home-dad and freelance writer, but rather than confuse everyone by getting a different blog, it's just easier to keep posting things here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Published (almost)

Okay, to elaborate on yesterday's post -- cleverly entitled YAY!!! -- here's a little background.

"And Midnight Never Come" was the first real short story I ever wrote. It's a science fiction piece with a simple plot -- humans try to build a star, the plan goes horribly awry, bad things happen.

After a few initial and well-deserved rejections, I did a complete rewrite and started sending it out again. I had received six rejections by the time I sent it to Nth Degree Magazine in January.

In May I did another complete rewrite and submitted it to the short fiction writers group of which I am part. With a few changes, I sent Version 3.1 to SCI FICTION and was summarily dismissed.

To date, I've received 17 rejections for seven stories. And I have five stories out there to nine publications.

Then yesterday I receive the e-mail from Nth Degree. How exciting?!?!?

The magazine pays five contributor copies and a year subscription. Not much -- but more than enough to make me happy.
posted by todd at 6:49 PM


Small steps to bigger things Toddito! Congrats mate this is great news. I've looked about Nth Degree and are subscribing.

9:53 PM  

I'm really happy for you Todd! thats really wonderful. I want my copy cleverly autographed.

10:21 PM  

You're so easily pleased! Your wife is lucky. :) So, any chance we can get just that ONE copy of Nth Degree, instead of having to get a subscription?

7:28 AM  

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