when I started this blog five years ago, I was a pet sitter and the name animal-crackers made sense. now I'm a stay-at-home-dad and freelance writer, but rather than confuse everyone by getting a different blog, it's just easier to keep posting things here.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

all set for christmas

This Christmas hasn't been as jolly as the past two. Not sure why. I didn't feel much like hanging lights outside. Had no interest in taking the boys to see Santa. And the usually enjoyable gift shopping has been unusually annoying.

Don't get me wrong -- everything is mostly fine. Andrea and I exchanged cool gifts. (She got me a desk, I got her a dresser. :) The tree is awesome. The boys are getting a ton of presents -- including a lego table. And the gifts to family are in the mail.

The tree rocks. We made a gingerbread house (which sort of fell apart). We scarfed down three dozen holiday tamales. We even have plans to visit friends for Christmas dinner.

So why does it feel like something is missing?
posted by todd at 4:50 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

when I turn my back

This is what happens as soon as I turn my back on Dylan.

posted by todd at 6:55 PM 0 comments

Monday, December 10, 2007


Eh, I could write a few boring paragraphs about how the weekend went. But let's just skip to what you really want. The pictures.

Andrea raked leaves while Dylan played.

Josh helped decorate a gingerbread house that he, Andrea and I built.

And on Sunday we got a Christmas tree and decorated it.

posted by todd at 5:12 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

ready to go

posted by todd at 9:48 PM 0 comments

Sunday, December 02, 2007

like new

The sofa's the same. But the paint, end tables, lamps and pictures are all new.

What do you think?
posted by todd at 4:07 PM 0 comments